I had a lazy morning... which seems to be routine. I only have a few more days holiday so I don't feel too bad.

Had lunch and then actually persuaded Dad to play settlers with me and Mum. He definitely enjoyed it. I headed to Ruth's after with a what I thought would be a quick detour to Nanny & Pops to pick up some wool. Yeah I ended up going down the garden and through the gate to Roy & Katie's and knocking on their back door to get more wool. Ended up staying quite a while.

Eventually got to Ruth's and we chatted and were our classic selves and very indecisive about what to do. We ended up phoning Beth to see if she was free and going to the pub. I haven't seen Beth in forever and I haven't had an elderflower Kopparberg in forever. Actually the last time I saw Beth was the last time I had one. It was good to catch up.

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