Flight Of The Lanyard, London

After my escapade in trying, and failing, to catch my train home on Friday I've been suffering from sore legs, especially my thighs. I've learnt that trying to run in heavy work boots is not a very good idea at all ! I only ran for about 300 - 400 metres but the pain was definitely not worth it. 
I remember reading about the brilliant Finnish long distance runner Paavo Nurmi  who used to train in his heavy army boots to strengthen his legs - God knows how he wasn't crippled for life, they must have been made of girders all those years ago!
Today's image was taken at Oxford Circus where these group of kids were waiting (I don't know what for - maybe an internet connection!) and one of them was bored silly so started to swing his lanyard round his neck again and again and I just managed to capture his in mid flight. I have to wear one all day every day so I sympathised with him somewhat.

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