Picture Consequences

By consequences

Decision time

"Al! Alan! It's me - wake up! Please, wake up - it's all right, it's all right..."

Jen was shaking me my the shoulders, her face inches from mine. Above her voice, which was full of panic, I could hear someone screaming. It took me a moment to realise that person was me.

I was wrenched from the now all-too-familiar interminable dream-loop at the point where I'd been staring at the broken watch. Whether this had been the first or the hundredth time of seeing it in the dream, I had no idea - however, being awoken at the point of waking in the dream was very confusing.

My breathing was shallow and fast, my heart hammering, my mouth dry. I managed to catch my breath, hold it, then let out a sigh.

Jen looked relieved. Not only was I looking at her with some kind of recognition, but I suspect she was glad I'd stopped yelling.

"Christ, Al - I could hear you from out in the street. Sounded like someone being murdered. When I realised where the noise was coming from, well..." she left the sentence unfinished, unable to go on. I could sense her relief wouldn't take long to turn to anger.

"Jen, I'm sorry, I - I fell asleep in front of the telly. Next thing I knew..." I gestured vaguely, feeling washed-out and confused.

"Same dream again, Al? No, don't tell me. You don't have to." She paused, before going on. "Look, I know you're not keen on... you don't like the idea of...of seeing... I just think you should maybe get some help. Some professional help. After all, things don't seem to be getting any better, do they?"

Jen looked me in the eyes, her words tapering off as she added, "worse, if anything..."

I nodded. I knew she was right.

"I'll call Doctor Clarke in the morning."

Story begins here.

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