The future is bright

It seems the UK ambassador’s assessment of Mr Trump has been leaked and then published in the Mail on Sunday by a certain Ms Oakeshott, a well known poodle and mouthpiece of Ashcroft and Banks, and pal of Farage. Trump has greedily seized upon it of course, to attempt to create a crisis and destabilise the Govt, though that’s probably crediting him with too much intelligent intent.
 So much, we’d expect. The real culprit of course, lurks within the civil service. Let’s hope they get caught and their nuts well roasted, as this has northing to do with whistleblowing or freedom of information. 
Cheered visiting the son to discover that Portobello High St is a short walk from his gaff. A wet walk today though. 
Later out to see Rocketman which is terrific - the set pieces in particular, but blimey, the excesses almost get a bit excessive. I’d no idea - I always thought he was some boring bloke who had the knack for writing a good tune, but who had to put on silly stupid costumes and spectacles to appear interesting. No, no: much more than that - he was really very nicely a mess. It’s that thing, innit... do your parents have to mess your head for you to be a proper artist? I wonder what ‘orange room 2019’ says?

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