Another Lovely Day.

But a lot colder.

The girls arrived at 7.30 am.  But by the time we went out for a walk it had warmed up, a bit.

But we all had jackets on.  I even put a blanket over Mia's legs.

As you can see in the photo though, Isabella's jacket has been taken off.

You can't see it unless you zoom in, but Isabella is wearing a necklace.  It's made of wooden beads, and I gave it to her Mum, one Christmas when she was about 3.  So it makes it 32 years old.

Two of Isabella's sayings.

Yesterday, when I was taking photos of butterflies on the way to the park.

'Hurry up Grandma, by the time we get there it will be dark.'  (It was 10.30 am!!)

Today,  I was making a cup of tea, and she wanted to go upstairs, to play with the dolls house, whilst Mia was asleep.

'Hurry up Grandma, by the time we get upstairs it will be Christmas!'

I must be getting very slow in my old age!

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