Wonderful .....
...... surprise.
The above blip came through the door this am. Go raibh Maith Agat so very kind of you.
I was waiting for Julie to come at 11.00am at 11.45am she rang to say she was on the slip road leaving junction 6 of the M25 ( it's about 10 minutes from me) she eventually arrived at 12.45pm . The traffic just didn't move , how frustrating for people. However massage/ bits and pieces and pedicure all done ready for holiday.
Hope your day has gone well folks.
Appreciate .... ALL the kindnesses shown to me.
What we call the beginning is often the end,
And to make an end is to make a beginning .
The end is where we start from.
T. S. Elliot.
Can't wait until 2020 J.
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