An Cliseam ridge

Today was warm and quite sunny so we decided to do the An Cliseam (Clisham) horseshoe. The lower slopes were quite damp and boggy but above about 350 metres it became dry with lots of rock and sheep bitten grass. We saw 2 Golden Eagles at the bottom and then they re-appeared as we were sat at the top. The first part of the collage shows one of them as it cruised past; I didn’t have a telephoto so this is a slightly cropped shot at 120 mm. We then left the top and walked over Mulla bho Dheas and onto Mulla bho Thuath where the blip was shot. It’s another panorama looking back to An Cliseam on the left. Shortly after we saw another Golden Eagle which rounded off the day nicely. The rest of the collage is a view looking back at Mulla bho Dheas, looking back at the horseshoe from the bridge over the Abhainn Sgaladail and Uisgneabhal Mòr from Mulla bho Thuath.

Best seen large

Yesterday’s blip

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