Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I went to visit a friend today. I met her at uni, many years ago when we both took a course in Celtic, and we've been friends ever since. We haven't seen each other for some time, due to life... and she's got two lovely boys (they are really fab, those two!) and a partner I really like. He's a scientist in bio chemistry and now have a project on if we can change our bacterial flora in the body. Really interesting. I've read some about it so I recognised parts of what he was talking about.
Usually I try to bring something I've baked, but this time my energy was spent already and hers too. So, I bought some blueberry cupcakes from the supermarket to bring with me. One of the boys got really disappointed because he thinks my baking is so yummy and had wanted that instead. I think I need to make it up to him next time we meet. Lovely compliment, though! The family was my 'tasting panel' when I was making a wedding cake for my cousin and his wife, to their wedding dinner, and I've also baked cakes on other occasions that the boys really liked. 
On my way home on the bus I realised that I didn't have a blip for today and I was so tired that I thought I'd take a photo at the bus station, just in case. I'm glad I did... :D

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