Bits and Pieces
In the garden this morning and tidied up various bits. KG was fixing a fence panel and he has a big tin of screws mostly from bits he has taken apart - well he put them on a pot which didn't like the weight - fell over and spilled the screws - guess who ended up picking most of them up - yup you got it. Watched the race this afternoon and was delighted with the result. My blip today is bits and pieces - left over from my salad - could just see a blip there.
It was a very humid morning and I was glad to go inside and cool down.
By the way our tour organiser is out of ITU and in a ward - sitting up and eating - that is good news
- 26
- 2
- Olympus E-M10 Mark III
- 1/40
- f/5.6
- 25mm
- 6400
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