
My migraine subsided (it wasn't a bad one in the first place....) and left behind a fuzzy head. Thanks for your wishes yesterday - they worked! :o)

We finished quite early today and as the torrential rain had subsided I decided to head off to the City Park to get my last blip of 2012 as the sun set. The sky didn't turn apocalyptic red for me tonight but it was great to finish off with a bit of blue sky!

Having a night in - I'm not a party pooper and I dream of a Wintery New Year in a huge Country House in the Lake District with family and friends, cooking a huge meal, roaring fire, walking off the food the next day with a snowy hill climb alongside frozen rivers; but that's for another year. Tonight we're taking it easy.

It's been a great year for me - many highlights recorded here on the Mighty Blip. One of the biggest highlights is to make the aquaintance of all of you fine fellow Blippers. May 2013 bring you and yours every happiness and good health.

Happy New Year :o)

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