
Today's the day when I remind people that I'm not actually English. Certainly born and brought up here but with a Scottish parent so I'm not unused to first-footing. Usually I see in the New Year with a wee dram but I have a sense that I'll be for me bed long before Jools starts his Hootenanny this evening.

I've just seen a trailer for a new reality programme. It seems that Tom Daly is teaching "celebs" to dive off a high board. Are we not one step closer to someone teaching "celebs" how to sky-dive without a parachute? There has to be a constituency of people who will drink the poisoned Kool-Aid on TV for a moment of celebrity and, clearly, another constituency who will lap it up at prime-time; is this healthy?

Anyways - If I'm going to bed soon I might as well have a wee dram now. I hope that 2013 brings you everything you desire rather than all you deserve. Slanté

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