Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Eastgate, Warwick

We drove down to Warwick yesterday so that we could attend the PAGB PDI Championships at The Arts Centre, Warwick University, today and the annual Permajet Lecturers' Meeting tomorrow.

There is an interesting Greek Doric Fluted Victorian pillarbox by the Eastgate (see extra).

After the Championships we decided to have a meal in Warwick. There are so many eating places to choose from and we decided to have a meal at the Giggling Squid, which is a Thai restaurant. We have previously eaten at the GS in Stratford so knew we shouldn't be disappointed and we weren't. A shame we can't say the same about the Warwick/Stratford Holiday Inn Express. I wish they had told us when we booked in that they were serving a limited menu (the normal menu is pretty limited anyway!) of soup and pizza. No good for us as we need to be dairy free and equally bad for anybody who required gluten free. If we had known we would have driven to Stratford or Warwick for a meal but we had watched the end of the Federer/Nadal semi final so it was getting late for us to eat. We complained and they 'managed' to find just 2 lentil curries and we were able to have them. Then, even worse, during the night the air conditioning unit started to drip. We let reception know in the morning and we were assured that it would be fixed by the time we got back in the evening. It seemed OK so we kept it on, which is the lesser of two evils as the noise from traffic meant I could sleep better with the noise of the air con than the traffic. The windows were triple glazed. Then at one am the dripping started again. Not happy but the hotel was full so no chance of changing rooms. Needless to say we complained in the morning and I was offered some compensation. We will think twice about staying there again!

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