Caramacs & Monkey Socks

By AmyW

We have liftoff!

I've been holding on to a free cinema ticket (well, not completely free as I got it as part of a Groupon deal) for months, waiting for something that I really wanted to see. It expired at the end of August, so I thought I'd better hurry up and get round to using it! Don't know why the ticket says £7.20 though, as it originally only cost £5 before I used the voucher!

Anyway... I love anything to do with the Apollo missions (maybe it's something to do with the fact that I share my birthday with the moon landing date? No, not the year, I'm not that old yet!) and I've lost count of the number of films/documentaries/books I've watched and read, so this was right up my street.
I was amazed at the quality of the footage and there's so much 'never seen before' film that's quite incredible. Several times I had to remind myself that it was real film and not actors playing the roles, because it's so sharp and so far away from the grainy stuff we're all used to seeing.
There's no voiceover or anything - just a few subtitles to explain people's job titles/places/names, but there are so many audio and visual recordings that you don't need one - they carry the story along nicely enough on their own.
I think it also gives more of a sense of how many people were involved in it all behind the scenes - obviously still a lot more than they show here, but it does show a better scale of the operation.
Despite having seen and read so much about it all over the years, I still found myself learning a few things, and it reminded me how awesome (in the truer sense of the word!) it really was.

I'm just glad I got there early, as there are only 299 seats in Screen 1, and I didn't want to have to sit next to anyone....
Thankfully he sat somewhere else!! ;-)  Ah, the benefits of going to the cinema during the day!

Then it was back home to stare at my case studies and barely write a word... Is it September yet?

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