Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

The Final Drip Blip

It's the end of the year
And it finishes with a drip
Hanging like a final tear
As though about to slip
Undesired into new year's start
An interloper from a past
Trespassing without heart
Fighting to the very last
To let itself be known
Like the wildflower seed
That by bird is sown
And grows as spirit freed

Through the lens we view
A year ahead inverted
As through glass askew
A thought of old diverted
Into a sense of here and now
That sits out of time
Holding on to desperate vow
Like witness to past crime
Desiring to escape the trial
But knowing that, like time
It cannot be turned, no denial

And so it comes at the final stroke
The midnight strike of bell
The fires of the new year we stoke
To burn the memory of the hell
That we've endured some days
And give reminder of comfort
The warmth sat in Summer haze
That truth it did distort
The reality of the sodden earth
That day on day we did endure
As rain fell for all it was worth
Please let this next be a dry year

Terry Rhiannyr
December 2012

All the best to everyone for the New Year. I hope it is a happy and healthy one for all of you :D xx

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