Yesterday we drove up...

today I run up!

Bealach na Bà

It was one of those things that had to be done.... if I'd left there without doing it it would have bugged me for ever!!

It wasn't as bad as I envisaged. And I really quite enjoyed it!

Mr J and the kids were heading to Strathcarron for some supplies (shops limited at Applecross) so they dropped me off at the bottom and were to pick me up at the top on their way back.
Unfortunately things didn't go to plan.
A young motorcyclist heading towards Lochcarron took the road just a little to fast and collided with a car in one of the notorious bends.

The road was jammed and no one apart from myself and some cyclists were getting past.

He smashed his pelvis and had to be airlifted off. Hopefully the lad will be OK.

So Mr J and the boys were stuck at the bottom whilst I was waiting for them at the top.

Thankfully we were able to contact each other and I decided to head back down to them. Which aaa probably the best idea as the police were carrying out investigation and were going to take some time.
We had to take the long costal route back to our tent at Applecross.
So what was going to be a short shopping trip /run turned into an epic journey.
Plus side we found an epic beach to go to!

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