I missed seeing the sun rise from Luinne Bheinn because it still happens awfully early in Scotland and I was fast asleep. But I was up before 06:00 and the early light was beautiful [see extras, too] After that the day went downhill - literally initially! To be fair, the walk down to Barrisdale bothy and out to Kinlochhourn were beautiful, but then there was a dull slog up from Kinlochhourn.  The route goes over a 800m bealach just below The Saddle, so I decided to make my day more interesting (and rather harder!) by traversing the mountain. I forsook the Forcan Ridge as I didn't fancy descending a graded (and inescapable?) scramble when very tired and with a heavy pack. So, I just had my tea up there. From the summit (1010m) down to the camp site at sea level was an interminable slog. But I've had a shower, and am clean for the first time in four days!

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