Alnwick Castle and Gardens

Well with a near miss of a Blip meet yesterday with davidc I received an unexpected message today while we were at Alnwick visiting the Castle and Gardens from a good friend, saying she had recently moved to the area  and we appear to be close how about a catch up! So todays post is early just one shot of the castle and one of the garden as we prepare to go for a meal this evening with her! 
The weather has once again way above expectations and at times today we have needed a hat and a drinks stop on our meander around Alnwick and I never made it to the fishing museum! Commenting my be sparse tonight I am afraid. The extra is the Cherry Orchard which must be a real picture when the blossom is out as it is under planted with spring bulbs, I can just imagine the sight and smell as one swings on one of the seats provided!!

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