Wheels and Wurlitzers

I was doing some internet browsing last month and found this auto museum. Stahl's Auto Museum near New Baltimore, Michigan. It is only open on Tuesdays and the 1st Saturday of the month.

Mr. Stahl has an amazing car collection, but...as an added bonus, he also collected Wurlitzer-type music machines. So, besides being visually stimulated by the vehicles...one of the music machines is always playing...and it is a feast for the ears.

The only problem? It's an hour there, and an hour back, and there is no good way to get there.

The thumbnail? Their many employees (volunteers?) are quick to ask if they can take your picture. (I handed him my Canon, and posed in front of the Chevrolet.)

P.S. I liked seeing the "guts" of the Wurlitzer that the two people were working on.

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