
By MumOf4Wildlings

Act of kindness

When a child gets admitted to our local hospital, they get given a blanket made by a voluntary group called project Linus UK. This was the blanket my youngest wildling was given.

It is also presented with a poem and the name of the person who made the blanket.
The poem goes as follows.

Linus has a blanket,
That's all his very own.
It comfort's and sustains him
When he's feeling quite alone.
He knows that others love him
For twas made with special care.
You too can have a blanket,
That's created just for you
To comfort and support you
When your feeling rather blue.
It's yours to keep forever
So you may always know
That others out there love you
And to you our wishes go
So you may always know.

By Soni Uhler .

This quilt is a hug you can keep,
Made with love by Wendy.

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