Dog and Dentist

Merlin would like to explain that he is very tired this evening as he had a training exam last night.  We did very well, until the last exercise - the down and stay - which he needed to do for 2 minutes with me standing 5 paces away.  Unfortunately he had got rather bored with the assessment by this point and decided to stand up half way through!  So sadly we didn't pass and will be returning to training in the autumn to do another term of sessions in the hope we can get our silver award later in the year.  He has seemed very happy to be at home this evening - first running around madly with his toys and now zonked out asleep!

Today I had a surprise as I bit into a piece of toast and a little bit of my front tooth fell in.  So it was off to the dentist for my first ever filling.  I suppose I am fortunate to have got this far through my life without one but I don't like the idea of my teeth starting to fail from wear and tear!

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