Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Bronze Age man

I have caught the sun the last few days. Maybe not as much as this shot would have you believe ...

Productive today, more so than of late. Half a day at home and half in the office. Don’t tell anyone but there were times today when I actually enjoyed my work.

Ended up in the same place as TSM, and whilst she worked late on a paper I sat in a pub and read a book whilst eating vegan samosa and chips. Then we came home together. Took this shot in the garden with a portable lamp. Ghoul lighting they call it. I have the devil’s eyebrows...

Three quarters of the way through Margret Attwood’s Year of the Flood, really gripping. Can’t get enough of it. Second of the MadAddam trilogy.

Pleasantly knackered now.

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