I have only to look out of my window to see my treasure ... every day is precious. The golden corn marigold that appeared without any help from me, as if by magic, is perfect for that spot in the border, I think I've always been aware of what was around me but seem to appreciate it far more these days. Is it because I have survived cancer, have more time, become more creative. I'm definitely far less materialistic. Living in Thailand taught me that. My treasures are many, memories of travel, people, places. Even my trash, bagged by the walks made. The list is endless, but waking up and seeing this view is enough for me.
So today ... well I could'nt sleep, woke at 4.50am .. not quite daylight, did'nt get back to sleep, so up, made a coffee, put a load of washing on, did the crossword. Started making a list of what needs to be done for the sale ...
1. Floats x 3. Plant sales, raffle, refreshments
2. List raffle prizes
3. List who to follow up fr raffle prizes
4. String for balloons
5. Table for raffle prizes with business cards etc.
7. Cut the empty double cream carton into strips to write out the last few plant labels. I love a little re-purposing as you know. They make quite adequate plant labels. The only expense for growing the plants was a bag of compost :)
Check ingredients for banana bread. Make for selling with a cuppa
Check ingredients for courgette & hazelnut burgers.
Make shopping list
Gentle reminder to someone who has offered a half price pedi/mani raffle prize
Phone Fermoys for raffle prize .. they won't be open yet.
Washing on the line, check the plants in the greenhouse for watering.
Walk up and fetch the paper & a bit of shopping from town, collect prescription.
Only 9.10am .. Hubby still in bed. I just as well take the food waste for the composter and water the allotment. Met Liz, an allotment neighbour picking fruit to make jam, so had a laugh with her. Just silly banter ... as you do. :) Picked a feed of peas. Fed the runner & borlotti beans. Blueberries just beginning to turn :) Everything watered. Sweetpeas picked, 3 courgettes harvested. Headed for home & breakfast.
Chased up the raffle prizes .. 1/2 price voucher dropped on the door mat :)
Rang Mum .. she wants to buy some greetings cards, plus a new parasol for the garden table & I'd spotted one advertised in Wilko's. I'll pick her up at 2ish, nip into Newton Abbot, whizz around the shops then go and pick up plants for the sale from a friend in Ipplepen, then go to the Coop for mum to do her food shop ... Back home by 5ish ... Well that did'nt go quite to plan. Shopping in N.A successful, got to Ipplepen, wandered through the courtyard .. Bavers had'nt sorted the plants for the sale so we went through her seedlings etc. picking out what I thought might sell on Saturday, then a tour of her garden, followed by a shortbread cream tea .. Well what a scrummy idea. Delicious homemade shortbread topped with clotted cream, then fresh raspberries, sliced strawberry AND cherries .. I had to 2. Mum had 2 .. Delicious but quite sufficient. I was watching time .. I needed to pick up a voucher plus packets of seeds from Fermoys before they closed at 5.30. I worked there for 10 years, would'nt want to work there now. It was just cluttered .. Back to the Coop to provision shop, rang hubby on both phones .. no reply, so could'nt tell him I was running late blah de blah. Mum is now in the car, one bag of shopping on her lap, one squeezed in beside her feet plus 2 large potted plants, the boot is full too. Not far to go thankfully. Unload Mum, nip in the Claycutter's to pick up another raffle voucher, eventually arriving home at 6.35pm .. Oh dear! He's not happy.
Tim & Stuart, our landlords are strimming the outer grass verge. Stewart had told me it belonged to the property so were responsible for maintaining it (keeping it cut). Tim said it belonged to the council. A couple of house maintenance jobs required plus we are getting a new oven. It tripped the mains the other day when I was using it, they decided it probably was'nt worth repairing, they would just buy a new one :) They're happy, we're happy so that's good.
A deep freeze dip dinner tonight, ham hock & veggie soup with herby garlic bread, washed down with a glass of Morrison's finest cider.
Now 11.15pm. Does'nt time fly when you're having fun!
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting
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