Another lost day

Last night I decided I would try increasing the dose of that medication I told you about, but by only half the amount.  I'm afraid it's not going to happen.  I felt slightly more alive than I did last time, but still spent most of the day in a stupor. So whatever good the increase might have done me, I'll have to stick with the dose I'm at now.  Since I wasn't up for searching for a blip subject, I used my fallback subject again - Minkelina asleep on the bed.  I think she looks particularly sweet.

I will be taking Sarah out to dinner tomorrow night, to celebrate her engagement.  She's chosen a Vietnamese restaurant, so it will be interesting trying to navigate the menu.  It's a really good restaurant I used to go to often, but I don't know if I can justify ordering my favorite dish.  But it will be a joy to see her.

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