Half a step at a time

By dorkytrish

NYE ended with a dirty kebab

The plan for New Years Eve was to drink heavily and party like theres no tomorrow. It was a success and accomplished it 100% and beyond.

Had an amazing afternoon laying by the pool and drinking beers and listening to some tunes. The place where we were at was good and then my girlfriend and I thought we should stay there for the rest of the night. Instead a phone call to tell us to go to the pub was something I believe we should have not done. Basically my 2012 ended with a dirty kebab. Fill in the blanks in between as I and maybe a few thousands of people in the world have no idea what happened during the night.

The only photos that I have on my phone are blurry ones of my friend and I and then this. We could not believe our eyes when this place was open! It was the best kebab I have ever had! At the time I think and now my body is punishing me for it! Don't think the kebab was a good idea.

Anyways here's to 2013!!! Cheers! May it bring everyone much more amazing things.


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