Even supermodels have to eat
Basil let himself down here with a biscuit stuffed in his mouth. Keira, our lovely model, was giving him big hugs. We were simulating being on the beach with Spencer and Michael pouring out building sand on the backdrop.
Keira was very game. She'd stood outside for close on two hours while Spencer threw buckets of cold water at her and photographers tried to decide which was the best shot. I was a bit annoyed. I was one of only two ladies in the gang, and I feel there was a bit of power play. In the end, I let her off with just two takes as she was visibly cold and wet. Thank goodness for her Mum making her hot cups of tea.
The workshop was called Wet and Wild. We're supposed to construct a 'water dress' around Keira from the shots we've taken.
Meanwhile, Basil sat very close. He doesn't like water. Earlier, he'd spent the day at Laura's where he was mightily pleased to meet Bailey, their spaniel. Bailey seemed pleased to see him too.
I went to the doc and am being sent for a blood test to check for ITP. He's also prescribed a new preventative inhaler for the asthma, which I can already feel is more effective than the old one.
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