Making All

By chloej

Emergency cat photo...

No better way to round off the year, really. Apart from everything else, this year has been a year of Tinker having Issues, one way or another, so to see him looking cheerful and well fed at the end of it all is rather good.

And this marks the end of my Project 365 (or 366, given the Leap Year). Largely successful, apart from the day of Jetlag Of Which We Shall Not Speak.

I've got a lot better at taking photographs, which was part of the point of it. I have developed a slightly surprising fondness for trees. I have grown to love muted autumn colours (but have as yet little idea of how to take photos in the sunshine....) I have realised there are benefits to getting up early in the morning in midwinter (although not quite so many benefits to make it preferable to staying in bed in midwinter).

Some well chosen photography books for Christmas mean that I will still be photographing, and still be blipping - but I will probably not be resorting to pictures of the cat, gin, and my office if nothing else inspires me. (This is a good thing, as I am currently spending New Year ensconsed on the sofa with a cold, trying to get better in time to start work again...)
And thank you for everyone who has said nice things over the year - it is much appreciated.

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