The wee small hours.

On my way home from Hogmany party and it was very quiet, though this house had forgot to put the lights off.

So that is the end of my 366. 1 photo every day for a calendar year. Some have been fillers, like this one, some have been planned and other have been because blipping made me carry a camera. I have learned a lot along the way. At times I have been at the point of quitting but the support from the community here makes something that seems impossible possible.

So what now I hear you cry. Well I will carry on blipping. Maybe not everyday though. The self imposed pressure of a blip a day is gone now for me (I have said this before of course so who knows). I want to try some new things in photography in 2013 including getting to grips with using flash and lights and playing with some film photography.

Thanks to all of you who stop by and look and comment. Blip is a unique online community. I think I have yet to see any of the usual ill mannered online behaviour that is all over the internet in this community. Long may that continue and carry on blipping, looking forward to viewing your blips in 2013.



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