A Mini Diary

By Peekabob

New Year's Day

A guid New Year to ane an' a' and mony may ye see!

New Year's a time of great tradition in Scotland and today I first-footed Mummy and Daddy for the first time. Tradition has it that your first foot should be tall, dark and handsome ... well, two out of three isn't bad!

"One .... two .... three .... four ....
Midnight knocking at our door.

A tall dark stranger waits outside
Turning away, his face to hide.

A lump of coal in one black hand -
What does it mean? Why does he stand

Holding his other hand out to us all
As we welcome him into the midnight hall?

Goodbye to the old year, good luck in the new,
'Come in, dear friend, peace be with you.'"

(Ian Serraillier - First Foot)

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