Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

I Love Paris

We arrived and moored in Paris some time during the night. After breakfast there was a 3 hour coach tour of Paris which, with hindsight, we would have been better off missing. However we thought it was going to be a lot hotter and the thought of walking around in the heat persuaded us that a cool bus would be better. We just had one opportunity to walk around and that was in the area around the Notre Dame. We were able to get closer pictures of all the repair work that was going on as well as walk along a bit of the left bank.

After lunch we decided to be brave and take the metro to Montparnasse where we went up the tower. The views were amazing, better in a way that going up the Eiffel Tower as we could include the Eifell Tower in our pictures. The building with the dome in extras is Les Invalides.

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