Total day of joy

Early doors swim in the massive lido to give my best hat an outing , it’s wider than my normal lido is long. The pool that is, not my hat. March back up the huge number of stairs to our flat for a massive breakfast then out to explore Hampstead Heath. What a wonderful place in a total posh London type of way. We bought numerous cheeses and tomatoes from the farmers market and beer from a totally unpleasantly weird man but his beer looked nice so I pushed on. Marched up to the top of the hill, back down the other side and praised Hannah for having the bright idea of taking our swimming costumes just in case. Swam a glorious lap of the ladies pond, sunbathed a bit and went to the pub for several pints in the sun. A wander down Highgate high street, found a taxi and a hike back up the stair mountain for cheese and tomato dinner. A totally fabulous day, also including planning my birthday celebrations for next year. Random extras available.....

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