Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

If it's Friday, it must be Strasbourg!

Bb arrived in the morning in Basel and made his way to my hotel via bus and tram. We wandered around the castle area, had a light lunch back near the hotel (everything's sooo expensive here!) and then got the train to Strasbourg. Nice to be able to show him the school where I’d assessed yesterday. We were happy to find Bb a foldable sunhat, which will be more practical when travelling than his Panama hat.

On the train journey, I went off to look for better seats and noticed a missed call from Bb. A couple of mins later when I asked him why he'd called, he seemed surprised and said he'd been searching for his phone. Turns out he'd left it on the seat where we'd had lunch, the waitress had found it and had called the last number dialled. Luckily, he flies out via Basel, so he can pick it up then! Had we been in the centre of Barcelona, the outcome would have been very different.

We're now in Strasbourg, been for a wander and so far are impressed with it - very pretty! Nice to be able to dig up our rusty French again too.

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