Learning to Move
The Camera School Challenge for this month is all to do with Intentional Camera Movement and trees. It's not long to the end of the month so I thought I'd better start trying to perfect my technique. A one way to go yet in finding a more suitable place but I am enjoying playing around with the different effects created by the movement.
This was taken in a small park in Leamington Spa where we went to visit a camera shop to trade in some old equipment and acquire a faster lens. We have to go back in the week as the lens is being sent from the Newcastle branch
We have also spent time today looking for a little run around car that I can lend young nephew for a time until his own car can be repaired or declared dead. He needs a car to get to work and I decided that the best way to sort that was to bite the bullet and get the best most economical little car I could. He surprised me by what he liked in the end. I couldn't have picked better myself. I didn't think I would do this a few months ago, but it seemed the right thing to do.
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