Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Campsite Pet

Camping Day 6 (Finally caught up...for now)

I really want to thank everyone who visited, commented and left stars and hearts on my Blipday image!  I am finally getting around to catching up and getting my backblips posted.  I just added Thursday's and Friday's blips if you want to take a look.

Our friends left around noon and PD has been sleeping most of the time since then.  His sciatica is acting up and he wanted to 'stretch out for a while', about three hours ago.  Poor guy, I hope he wakes up feeling better!  His nap is giving me a chance to spend some time on the computer without feeling guilty, though. ;-)

I can't resist the tiny chipmunks here even though they rob the bird feeder.  We moved it out of reach (or so we think) this morning so now they're just hanging around under it and eating the spilled seeds.  Piper used to chase them but now she accepts them as part of the camping experience and leaves them alone...mostly.  I think the little cutie in my blip was contemplating a way to get to the new feeder location. :-)

I am grateful for a cool and cloudy day today.  It was actually hot here yesterday, about 86 F in the afternoon but it was over 100 F down the mountains on the front range so I'm not complaining!

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