swiss army bus

Not only did I get up at a reasonable hour today, but managed to cook lunch for Graeme and Rhuna (rhubarrb) who first-footed me on the way to Glencoe snow in their new bus camper-van. Literally made to measure for them ,it even boasts a shower! For heavens sake!
"In my day"----any climber worth his salt wouldn't be seen within 100 yards of such a namby-pamby sleeping place. We left that to effete skiers! For us it was often a railway bothy,no matter the depth of snow,or how far the thermometer plummeted . Luxury,there, was getting the 15" wooden bench to sleep on instead of the floor! But then,like Iron Bru, WE were made of girders!!

Well, I suppose the boy might come good------------ just as long as he doesn't join the caravan club!!

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