Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

A Day at the Races

There was a Schools Cross Country event at the Meadows this morning and Eco Daughter was running in it. Eco Dad has given me the task of taking a photo of her as he could not make it and I don't work on a Monday. It Was very cold and damp but as you can see from the photo it didn't seem to matter.

The race was for Primary 6 & 7 boys and girls and there was about 8 schools and 40 kids per school.

Anyway Eco daughter said to me this morning that I was not to expect her to win and that she would do her best I could not have asked for more.

Eco Granny came to watch and we were both very proud of her and to top it all one of her friends Leona came in third. So well done to the girls.

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