Donnan and The Dynamos

What a day. A bit of scrubbing, erecting of gazebos and bunting. My poor brother sorting out his sound connections and lighting. Not to mention arrival of toilets.All to get the garden sorted for tonights Hendstock 8.

The MC was unable to make it due to family bereavement and the food truck cancelled because of a broken down van. Fortunately D and H managed to find people (very helpful ones) to fill places.

I was 'door person' and given the very important job of handing out wrist band (so we could tell how many people turned up). It quickly turned into 'bar person' as well, hilarious as I'd never pulled a pint in my life - perhaps there could be a new career in the offing?

I finally managed to catch up briefly with Ninja although I hope to chat longer next time we meet.

It was wonderful to listen to my niece sing and my nephew rock his guitar. He played his GCSE music piece - awesome. 

Hayley  my sister in law was 'Donnan' of 'Donnan and the Dynamos'. They really got the party going and were fabulous to watch.

Somehow in the afternoon we'd managed to nip down to Stansted Airport to collect Will from his Bordeaux trip. I was really pleased he was here and he was a great help on the bar. I love it when my kids teach me stuff!

After the Accelerants set most people wandered off home but a few hard core people gathered around a fire for some acoustic numbers.....

Of course all of this to raise money for 'Meningitis now' in memory of Ian, Davids best friend who died in his early 40's from this dreadful disease. 
I have been bowled over by the generosity of people for Hendstock 8, thank you everyone.

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