A lot going on..

There's a lot to see in this picture, some of which probably isn't easily recognisable.
So there's Mont Blanc, front and centre, showing its dominance, the reason my gang are here. 
There's my gang, out on Day 1 doing their thing.
Off to the right, there's the high col we'll pass through tomorrow. Not really visible in a blip the far far skyline shows the day after's col too. Only really visible to me are the upper slopes of my village.
But, there's also:
Me, hanging back out of shot, observing. My gang is spread out on purpose, the path here not always obvious, but for a few hundred meters relatively free of consequence, I want to see how they pick a route, follow instructions and make choices. There's two of the gang not in shot, we're doing a little personal movement coaching, I'm using a guides spider sense to know how far out in front my runners are, hoping I don't need to shout. I'm already thinking through the next few days options.
Day one is a busy day, but as expected with this crazy bunch there's been a huge amount of laughter. 1400m of very steep descent in 30° heat is a tough ask, they did well.

Whilst we're walking anti-clockwise, JamJar a fellow blipper is walking clockwise with a different company, I hope she's having as much fun as us. 

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