Blues Festival

We went on a walk with friends which revolved around arriving at Upton upon Severn at 1pm to see our friends' son play at one of the venues of the  annual Blues festival held there.
We were a bit late but caught him at The Anchor in the town. We've never been before and it's a fantastic event, much bigger than I thought . The whole town is taken over. We've decided we should go there next year and stay a night and try to get to more of the performances. I've never seen a town with so many pubs and each was hosting an event. Plus there was a huge marquee at the centre of the action and excellent music in the church as well. There was a great buzz about the place.
I really liked all the individual people , men of a certain age mainly, set up at various places playing solo, their own musical thing, like the old guy in the photo.
We all came back to our house for a barbecue, so late Blip this evening.

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