
By FreePetHair

Raindrops on Nat's head

Poor Nat had a rough time last night. Big baby is so afraid of fireworks. I think she got a few more gray hairs on her muzzle. I guess it was good that we didn't end up going to the NYE party. I couldn't have predicted the booming would have been so bad. It never has been before. The rain, though, she likes. I guess that's good since looks like it intends to stick around all winter.

I am determined to be very good and put up a pic every day this year. Let's hope my camera holds out!

Ah, but in lieu of the trip into the city for the party (my car-trip mates had a plumbing emergency at home, so trying to find a hardware store still open was more important than family and friends and cocktails!), we ate out and I had the most awesome coconut shrimp and I can't stop thinking about it. Next on my list of things I need to learn to cook!

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