Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

All quiet this afternoon...

...on Penistone's main street...
Monday is always a good day to pick up a bit of shopping, but not necessarily so good for spotting anything much going on - this is about as exciting as it gets  ;) Thanks for MonoMonday Carolina!
Spent a good bit of this morning setting up Muriel across the road's new iPhone for her. I think BT sent her an offer she couldn't refuse last month, but now she's in her eighties she's not so good at setting up the technology. Anyway - I got there OK in the end even though I'm an Android person (you know what I mean...), and since she has an iPad already I think she'll find it much easier to use. The only bugbear was I didn't know where that pesky little mute button was, and we spent some time trying to get her phone to make a noise when I called her ;)

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