Third day with the winds making swimming too dangerous. So just a dip into the water to cool the body down and that's all folks.
After morning beach we visited out bank branch here in the suburbia to perhaps get the bolsa de playa (beach bag). I had totally 0 expectations, but it was interesting to see how it would pan out. I sat at the waiting area when it was our turn and my husband went to sort thing out. First he needed to prove his identity (he showed the original text telling us to collect the bag, who would give out their phone in the first place...), then he was told that this is not our branch (have the transfer papers at home to prove otherwise at home and will take them with me next time), after all that and telling the story how we were told to go get the bag from GA branch, she finally went to get the list of people getting the bag and in that list there was one name added handwritten and it was my husband's name. So after all the commotion we finally have the bloody bag. Winning! (Perhaps.)
We also visited vet's office and I was able to talk ear drops to Buddha who clearly has an infection without taking him to see the vet. I think they hate his visits too, so they just charged me insanely, but I got the drops. I really need to change the vet.
I have visited Charlotte who is starting return to homeland with her husband. They'll be shortly back early November. Welsh ladies are due to return on Thursday. People coming and going.
Otherwise I've been trying to shake the nausea and mostly been able to do it by eating little portions of salads. This heat is really getting to me.
We've been streaming The Office lately and I've been dreaming about it during the nights. In between waking up. I've had couple of rougher nights due to first being frozen by the aircon (it's on 27°C!) and after turning it off and opening the door to "fresh air" being woken up by the heat. Last nights the lowest have been 26°C and 25°C. And this will continue... So no wonder it feels like we're melting here.
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