More Demolition Than Renovation Project

I had an early morning session on China which didn’t quite go to plan as he’s being very cheeky at the moment, but we got there in the end.

I decided to go home and change out of my riding gear so as not to embarrass Sushi too much when I went to pick him up from his week away with NCS. I got the standard response of “fine” when I asked him how it went, but in the way only a mother can, I didn’t let up and interrogated him until he gave in and told me all about it...he seemed to have great fun and had a go at caving, abseiling, canoeing and orienteering and made some new friends in the process.

I paid a visit to the farm renovation happening next door and it’s moving on slowly or should I say coming down slowly as with no roof and a few missing walls it’s more like a demolition than a renovation project!

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