Wild flowers.

A recent BBC Gardeners World special on UK wild flowers stated that since the 1930's 97% of our wild flower meadows have been lost, that is shocking!

I am very fortunate that most of my customer's have at least some space set aside for wild flowers. My Monday customer has approximately 1 acre and the field Scabious (pictured) are looking the best I've seen them at the moment. 

A large portion of the day was spent cutting their front hedge,

"It looks like you're creating a caterpillar," said a passing lady, maybe I was? 

I certainly hope it looks better than the neighbours which was also being trimmed today. Maybe there should be a recognised difference between hedge cutting and hedge sculpting.

The lovely little 4 legged friend who lives there got out today, I think I was more concerned than the customer, they just left the gate open for her to come back through but I found her in the lane at the front of the house watching the neighbours gardener.

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