The first sunset of 2013

2012 will be remembered as one of the wettest years in history with the final weeks notable for flooding throughout the UK. It was a relief that the first day of the new year has started with blue skies even if the wind in Edinburgh was biting.

I decided that I would head up to Salisbury Craggs and take a different angle of Edinburgh as the sun was going to set, got half way up and realised that the angle wasn't going to capture the sun when looking toward the castle so I a made a quick dash across the city (all on foot) to get up the sure-fire view from Calton Hill.

The actual sunset was a little disappointing but I did get this image near the start of the golden hour which captured the rays of the sun stretching across the city.

Let's hope this new beginning to the year heralds many days of great sunset, interesting clouds and wonderful photography.

This will be my entry to the Weekly Blip Challenge theme of New Beginnings

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