There is a very complicated mural running along the far wall; it seems to represent life in rural China before the invention of futuristic lighting. Add in the cacophony of dim sum service and a roomful of happy chatting diners and you have our adventure for today. If you ever find yourself in this mythical place, order the espresso coffee ribs.
The Extra is the result of following a tutorial in Tricia Dewey's on-line Obscured class, where we learn about Art Studio Pro and a variety of other apps. ASP is a layered app, sorta kinda like Photoshop but not really. Tricia's classes give you a taste of many different approaches to photo based digital art; she is an excellent teacher, offering very clear instructions and a library of images to share. This particular piece is constructed from several of those photos and has a good couple dozen layers. Each step teaches a new technique: blending, changing colors, masking--you get the idea.
3 miles. Ongoing debate between Pedometer app, Fitbit, and the mile markers on the path...
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