Looking up

With plenty of time left to reach our destination (Liverpool), we took this morning off and all caught the bus to the seaside. Southport. At low tide. In the cold and the wind... Beyond the mud, the tussocks of green grassy stuff and the millions of crunchy razor clam shells, we could just make out some waves. It was not the best outing ever.

But this afternoon I taught the lesson that one of the students had asked me to do, on gender in the English language. Brilliant! Little did he know that I wrote my first published piece on gender and language in 1985. Not so brilliant was that although things have improved, most of the examples I used in that piece are still relevant.

And late afternoon the sun came out and we did our course performance - poems, a funny dialogue the students had written using words beginning with H or vowels, tongue twisters and magic tricks - on the bank and on the roof of the boat. Here is Maciek reading Yeats's An Irish Airman Foresees His Death to some of his audience.

For the truly dedicated, here's a 5-minute video of our trip.


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