Diving In

Mr P text me at 3pm to say he had just walked up Ben Nevis after taking the sleeper train up to Fort William last night.
While he is away l’ve got really stuck in to tidying out cupboards including the pantry and airing cupboard. Cleaned the cooker and defrosted the fridge. My house is quite cool so it was better to stay indoors as l’m not as happy in the heat as l used to be.
Need to give the garden a really good soaking this evening and then l might have one myself:-)
Took this photograph just now, thanks to Osuzanna for hosting Tiny Tuesday.
Extra is Verity just before she went in for her RAD Grade 4 ballet exam this afternoon,. She had to go up to Newcastle to take it so l imagine she was hot and tired before she started.
Her mum sent me the photograph so credit to her. Kitty also took a dance exam in Skipton this morning as it was postponed from last week. Can’t imagine how many miles Rebecca has driven today getting them to their venues.

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