Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Dancing in the Snow

Mr. Badger begrudgingly posed for a photo during the snow storm Saturday night. We went down to my sister-in-law's home in Douglas, MA to celebrate with my in laws, but a storm decided to make a visit too. Luckily, my parents had agreed to watch the dogs while we were there, so we had dropped them off with them before heading down to Douglas. It normally only takes about a half hour to get there from my parents' house. It took over an hour and a half, so we were very late (not to mention that Mr. Badger had to work a full day too, so we had left late). The road conditions were pretty awful and it was coming down very fast. My sister-in-law Shelly who lives out in Plymouth all packed up their family within 15 minutes of our arrival since they had a long trek home. Luckily it turned to rain for them as they headed closer to the coast. Mr. Badger and I hung out for maybe an hour, but we were worried about the trip to Hudson. It took us nearly 2 hours to get back. Once we were in Hudson, we stopped at the grocery store as we hadn't brought any food for the dogs. That's when I evilly had Mr. Badger pose <3 We made it back safe and sound at least.

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