
By schorschi


On New Years Eve watched a few minutes of Sky News & a report on the traditional, world famous Edinburgh Hogmany celebrations - Arts Festival yes but had never heard of a New Year bash. Then they said it was the 20th year which put it in context.
Well for our traditional New Years celebrations, started with Raclette meal with Angie's sister, Siglinde & hubby Gerhard. Shortly before midnight drove the 3 km to a hill overlooking Ottobeuren with a view to Memmingen & watched the fireworks, car radio on maximum & the new year greeted with real champagne from Gerhard, Strauss' Blue Danube closely followed by Abba's ?Happy New Year" both of which have a longer tradition than the above!
Then home again, not even greeted by the dogs who were fast asleep not having heard the fireworks at all, an advantage of our solitary location. There then followed 180 mins of German TV in background showing hits of the `80's. Dear Katie, please forgive me for trying to get you with 23 months (1982) to dance to the "Birdy Song" alongside a pool in Corfu. You simply didn't have the talent your mother had for this particular dance style.
Sigi, Angie, Flash & Luna danced to Culture Club etc until Luna (by accident) bit Angie in the thigh & drew blood.
There then followed an hour of Abba videos. I wonder if Sir David Attenborough ever gave up his search to find a member of the UK male human species who admitted to knowing who Abba were, let alone possessing one of their LP's.
Finally 2 hours head down on the sofa before getting back to down to earth tradition - feeding & mucking out the horses............
NB Just visible as a bit of light, the Ottobeuren Basilica & some fireworks.

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