The stockings were hung by the chimney with care

Such a lovely lovely day today. We began by making sweets to give out tomorrow to family. The children loved mixing, and moulding and most of all licking the bowls after.

This afternoon we went with friends to the cinema to watch nativity 2 which everyone seemed to enjoy. This was followed by last minute shopping for extra bits for tomorrow and then home for tea.

Later in the eve Aunty Anna from next door came round as she does every year to give Jack and Erin their gifts and they are allowed to open them straight away. Once again they were spoilt by her, which she and they loved. Aunty Fern also popped in to wish merry Christmas and Paul came in time to help put them to bed.

Once stockings were placed, mince pie, reindeer food and a glass of water (Erin insisted that was what he would want as he would be thirsty) left for Santa, two very excited children went to bed and were beautifully behaved and amazingly asleep in about half an hour.

Paul and I then enjoyed a chinese and a film and I got to open my presents from him. I have never opened early before but it was actually nice to do it. Tomorrow is about the children and I love it but tonight Paul said was about me and that was really nice too.

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